Memorize Scripture – Week 10

If I had to choose a favorite book in the New Testament, Philippians would be pretty close to the top of the list. I simply love this little letter written by Paul somewhere around 60-61 AD.

Our verse to memorize is a short one, but it’s something of a smack in the face.

Don’t just read it and move on. Stop and think abut what Paul is telling you to do. And then take a look at your life and see just where this needs to be applied.

Philippians 2:14. Take a look:

Philippians 2:14

I think we complain too much.

Watch this video.

While humorous, the point is well taken. We complain.

Paul says don’t. It’s that simple.

What have you complained about today? What can you do to eliminate this habit from your life? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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